Access Roobrik Leads in Enquire CRM (Aline)

New leads will be located in the Enquire CRM Dashboard and/or Pre Lead section.

In Enquire, there are two reports that give you insight on your Roobrik leads. One is the Activity and People Analytics report and the other is the Market Source report. They each have value, but the Activity and People Analytics report gives you a clearer view of how a lead has interacted with Roobrik over time. Especially because Roobrik is not just a lead generation service, but is designed to educate and motivate buyers through a journey of discovery.

If you want to view the Activity and People Analytics report in your Enquire account, check out our article - Pull a Standard Report of Roobrik Leads in Enquire CRM (Aline).

Accessing the Market Source Report

Log in to your Enquire CRM Account

Access the login page for Enquire CRM here:

Filter Prospect list by Market Source

This report will only return a portion of your Roobrik leads as MAP integrations and other factors can overwrite the "Roobrik" Market Source value.

Expand the "People" option in the sidebar navigation. Here, you'll see a list of options, click into "Prospect" in this list.

Filter your Prospects

At the top of your prospects list, you'll see an option to "Search Filters". Expand these filters by clicking "Show" on the right side. If you are looking for a specific lead, you can search for them by name, email address, phone number, etc. 

Filter by Market Source of "Roobrik" by clicking the "Search By Market Source" field and selecting "Roobrik." This should filter your list of prospects to those who have come into your account from Roobrik. 

If you are using an ActiveDemand/Enquire MAP integration in tandem with an Enquire CRM integration, the "Market Source" may not be Roobrik, and instead might reflect the original marketing source, depending on your specific lead processing workflows.

For example: A Prospect has clicks on a PPC ad which brought them to your community website, where they then clicked a Roobrik survey CTA and completed the Roobrik survey. The lead's original source would be PPC (or similar) because ActiveDemand/EnquireMAP can associate that lead with their original traffic source through the Roobrik > ActiveDemand/Enquire MAP integration. 

Select a specific Prospect to view Prospect and Contact data

Once you click the Prospect's name, you will see the detailed contact record.

The following fields will be populated on the record:

  • First Name, Last Name, Email and Phone fields will be populated on the Contact or Prospect record.
  • A value of "Roobrik" will be populated in the Market Source field.
  • The Relationship field is populated according to the contact's relationship with the prospect  but is dependent on available values within the Enquire account. We match this as closely as possible, but in cases where no value is available, a value of "other" is passed.
  • There is a specific area on each record for Roobrik Information (outlined in red). This contains the custom fields where we populate Roobrik survey information, including the outcome, report text, report URL, notes, and contact preference.

In 2023, three senior living software companies — Enquire CRM, Glennis Solutions, and Sherpa CRM — united to form Aline. We may refer to Enquire CRM and Aline interchangeably within our knowledge base.