Roobrik > Sherpa Integration

When Roobrik is integrated with my Sherpa portal, what happens when a lead converts?

When does a lead get pushed into Sherpa?

Roobrik will push all Sales Qualified Leads into Sherpa as soon as they complete the survey. This is the same time that we send the Lead Notification email.

For more information about how Roobrik defines a Sales Qualified Lead, check out this article.

What information gets pushed into Sherpa?

  • The new prospect will show up in the On Deck section.
  • The name and contact info will appear on the Influencer tab if the person is taking the survey on behalf of someone else. If taking the person is taking the survey for themself, it will appear on the Prospect tab 
  • The Inquiry Source information will be Internet and Roobrik. 
  • There will be a Sales Journal entry that has the full Roobrik report details including the report URL, outcome and the report text:

Find out more about how to access your leads within Sherpa in this article.