Access Roobrik Leads in Sherpa

Learn how to find Roobrik leads within Sherpa so you can view detailed data about Prospects and Influencers.

Log in to your Sherpa Account

Access the login page for Sherpa here: and enter your credentials.

Navigate to the "On Deck" section

Once the survey is completed, the new prospect will be placed in the On Deck section. Click the name listed in the On Deck section to open up the Sherpa record.

If you are looking for a specific lead, you can search for them by name, email address or phone number in the search bar in the top right. 

If the survey was done by someone other than the prospect themselves, "Prospect" will precede the influencer's name.


Select a specific Prospect to view Prospect and Influencer data

Once you click the Prospect's name, you will be presented with a prospect profile:

If the lead is a self-assessor (someone who selects "myself" at the beginning of the survey), we will update contact information in the Prospect tab. 

If the lead is a non-self assessor, we will update contact information on the Influencer tab. The following is an example of how a lead who submitted on behalf of their grandmother would appear.

Any non-self assessor's relationship value will be displayed below their name (as seen above). If it's a self-assessor, or a value that routes to "self," this value will appear on the prospect tab. 

View the Roobrik Report

Whenever a lead is pushed into Sherpa we include a Journal Entry appended to the Prospect with the full Roobrik Report summary. This includes the Roobrik Report URL, Roobrik Care Level Outcome and the Roobrik Report Text.

To access the Roobrik Report, simply scroll down on the Prospect Profile page. You will find it located on the left side of your screen.