Utilize Anywhere in the Funnel

Roobrik Afford may be used in many different ways to drive value in the senior living buyer journey, providing utility for both early and late-stage prospects.

Website Placement for First Touch

Try pairing Afford with your current Discovery Survey. Consider placing the CTA near pricing and floor plans and alongside financial planning resources, and any FAQs about costs and payment options.

Leverage Afford After the First Touch

After the Discovery Survey
After completing a Roobrik Discovery Survey, prospects are guided to a personalized Results Page. From this page, clients have the option to include a CTA for them to begin the Afford Survey. Our research has shown that a healthy portion of survey completers are willing to answer additional questions, which provides an opportunity to collect more insights and better prioritize that lead for your sales team.

Lead Filtering Tactic
Run all your digital leads through Roobrik Afford to get more discovery done for your sellers and better understand which prospects to prioritize. Some leads will self-disqualify after taking the Afford survey. 

Marketing and Sales Email Nurture
The Afford survey provides a value-add touchpoint to email nurture sequences, for both MQLs and SQLs.

Top-of-Funnel Content Marketing
Highlight the survey in your newsletter, blog posts, and social media channels, framing it as a helpful resource for prospects starting their financial planning for senior living.