
Measure the effectiveness of different marketing channels using tracking URLs (UTM parameters) and then optimize your strategies based on data.

Utilizing UTM parameters allows for precise tracking and attribution of traffic sources to your landing pages.

Tracking URLs to your Roobrik Surveys may be requested through your Client Success Manager.

By using tracking URLs in your marketing, you can accurately measure the performance of various channels, from email campaigns to social media ads. This approach allows for a detailed analysis of how each channel contributes to engaging potential residents, enabling data-driven decisions for future marketing efforts.

The insights gained from these metrics can help you refine your messaging, target your audience more effectively, and allocate your marketing budget more efficiently.

Your Client Success Manager will provide you with a number of tracking URLs to use in your sales and marketing campaigns, and can create custom tracking URLs upon request.

Traffic Source Report

In your Roobrik Reports, you'll find a Traffic Source Report that identifies the source of each user that lands on your Roobrik Survey page.

For example, by using the unique click through links provided by Roobrik, if your team publishes a social media post bringing users to a landing page with Roobrik as a secondary CTA, our reporting will show you how many users came from the social media post. 

Such granular data is invaluable for optimizing your marketing strategies. It can highlight opportunities for improving engagement on specific platforms, suggest adjustments to your content strategy to better meet your audience's needs, and pinpoint the most effective CTAs for driving traffic to Roobrik surveys.

Furthermore, understanding the origin of traffic and user behavior allows you to personalize follow-up communications more effectively. Knowing that a prospect engaged with a particular type of content or came from a specific channel enables more tailored outreach efforts.

This personalized approach not only increases the likelihood of conversion but also builds a stronger connection between potential clients and your brand.