How to Leverage Prospect Insights

Each Roobrik lead comes with a goldmine of information that can be used to personalize your sales approach, tailor your conversations, and address the specific needs and concerns of each prospect, resulting in more meaningful engagements.

Upon reviewing the lead notification and Roobrik Lead Report, sales teams are equipped to craft personalized engagement strategies. For instance:

Acknowledging the Roobrik Survey
Begin by inviting the prospect into the conversation with a mention of their completed Roobrik Survey. Ask if there were new insights gained or any surprises, signaling your genuine interest in their journey.

Launching Conversations with Key Data Points
Use specific insights from the survey to initiate meaningful dialogue:

  • If an adult child expresses concern about their parent's care and safety, start by inquiring about the parent's current well-being, demonstrating your concern and understanding.
  • A mention of VA benefits can be an opportunity to express gratitude for their service, immediately creating a connection based on respect and acknowledgment.
  • Interest in the community's pet policy suggests a pet owner, which can lead to conversations about their pet, making the interaction more personal and relaxed.

Here's a closer look at the types of insights Roobrik delivers and how it empowers sales teams to create highly personalized engagement strategies:

Care Needs & Readiness
Understand whether a prospect is in the early stages of research or urgently seeking solutions. This helps prioritize follow-ups and tailor conversations to either provide general information or focus on immediate steps.

Living Situation
Knowing a prospect's current living situation — whether they're homeowners, renters, or living with family — allows for nuanced discussions about the logistics and emotional aspects of transitioning to a senior living community.

Decision-Making Process
Information on who else is involved in the decision-making process and understanding the dynamics at play allows for a comprehensive engagement strategy that addresses the concerns of all stakeholders.

Barriers to Decision-Making
Identifying specific obstacles a prospect is facing, such as fears about moving or uncertainties about the right type of care, allows sellers to address these concerns directly, providing reassurance and clarity.

Hobbies and Interests
Insights into the prospect's hobbies and interests help in highlighting community features that align with their lifestyle, making the community more appealing.

Communication Preferences
Knowing the preferred mode and timing for communication ensures that follow-ups are timely and welcomed, rather than intrusive.

Financial Considerations
Information on a prospect’s financial readiness and concerns aids in framing the value proposition of the community in terms that resonate with their financial planning and capabilities.

Example Approach to a Roobrik Lead

Maria, deeply concerned about her mother's increasing need for care, finds herself navigating a complex web of emotional resistance and practical uncertainties. After completing a Roobrik survey on a senior living community's website, her concerns are brought into sharp focus: Maria is anxious about her mother's social isolation and declining health, but is also unsure how to discuss the transition without causing distress. Additionally, she's uncertain about how to evaluate the right level of care needed and how to manage the logistics of such a move.

Sales Approach
A Compassionate and Informative Path Forward

Understanding the depth of Maria's situation through the survey data, the sales advisor meticulously prepares for their discussion with a strategy tailored to Maria's specific needs:

  • Tackling Emotional Resistance: The advisor starts by acknowledging Maria's concerns about her mother's social well-being, highlighting the community's vibrant social calendar, support groups, and how other residents have found a renewed sense of community and friendship.
  • Clarifying Care Needs: To address uncertainties about the level of care required, the advisor offers a detailed explanation of their care assessment process, emphasizing a personalized approach to determining care needs and ensuring Maria’s mother would receive the right support.
  • Simplifying the Transition: Recognizing the logistical challenges ahead, the advisor outlines the community’s resources for new residents, including move-in support services, and suggests setting up a meeting with a resident ambassador who has gone through a similar transition.

By addressing each of Maria's concerns with specific, actionable information and empathetic understanding, the sales advisor opens the door for a deeper conversation about the benefits of assisted living for her mother. Maria feels heard and supported, leading to her scheduling a visit to the community with her mother, viewing it not just as a necessary move but as a positive step forward in her mother’s care and social engagement.

Personalize the Buyer Journey

By leveraging these detailed insights, sales strategies can be refined to:

  • Prioritize follow-ups based on the prospect's readiness and urgency.
  • Tailor conversations to highlight community features and services that meet the prospect's care needs and preferences.
  • Address logistical and emotional aspects of transitioning to a senior living community based on the prospect's current living situation.
  • Frame the community's value proposition in terms that resonate with the prospect's financial planning and concerns.
  • Directly address barriers to decision-making, providing reassurance and clarity to move the prospect closer to a decision.

Through Roobrik Insights, sales teams are empowered to engage prospects in a manner that is both empathetic and effective, paving the way for more meaningful relationships and successful outcomes.

Importance of Speed to Lead

Quick follow-up on leads is crucial. Roobrik equips you with timely and relevant information about each prospect, allowing for immediate and informed outreach that significantly enhances the chances of conversion.

  • Follow up promptly. When you receive a lead notification email, we recommend that you reach out the same day. Ideally, the prospect is still reviewing their report when you call. The lead notification email you receive contains the prospect’s communication preference. Try to honor their preferences for communication whenever possible.
  • Take the time to review key information about the prospect’s situation first. We’ve structured your email notifications with bullet points to make them quick and easy to digest. Want to go deeper? Just click through to the full report to learn what is most important to the prospect, and where they are in the decision-making process.
  • Build a library of ready resources to help you respond quickly with pertinent information. For example, if in the Notes section of your email notification you see that the prospect has requested pricing information and floor plans, have those resources ready to go and include them in your outreach.