3 Levels of Financial Readiness

Insights from the Afford Survey enable highly personalized sales interactions.


Here’s how to effectively engage with each level of financial readiness:

Very Likely

Engage these prospects with a direct call to discuss the unique benefits and lifestyle enhancements your community offers. Their financial readiness positions them as prime candidates for immediate move-in, so focus on matching their needs and interests with your amenities and services.


These prospects also merit a personalized call, focusing on reassuring them about the value of senior living and exploring various financial plans and benefits available to them. Help them navigate any remaining financial uncertainties and underscore the community’s fit for their lifestyle and budget.


Given their current financial challenges, consider a more gentle approach. Send an empathetic email providing resources and information on financial assistance programs, ways to enhance their affordability, and an invitation to discuss their situation further should they desire. This email should convey understanding and support, offering paths they might explore to become more financially ready in the future. Reserve phone calls for those who respond to your email expressing a desire for more direct communication. This method respects their current position while keeping the door open for future engagement.