How Roobrik Works

Roobrik helps senior living providers drive occupancy by engaging their audience with relevant calls-to-action, empowering prospects with proprietary educational surveys, and enabling sales teams with useful prospect insights.

Families in crisis are driven by uncertainty, guilt, and confusion. Many follow a predictable online research pattern but bounce from website to website without reaching out. At Roobrik, we call these prospects the hidden audience and we’ve built solutions to help them feel confident to move forward.

Roobrik takes a holistic approach to conversion optimization, with targeted strategies for each stage of the senior living buyer journey. This approach can be broken down into 3 Es: Engage, Empower, and Enable.

Engage Your Audience

Roobrik engages visitors on community websites that are not yet ready to talk to sales. These researchers usually have two prominent questions on their minds. “Is it the right time for senior living?” and “Can I afford senior living?” Roobrik engages these visitors, that would otherwise bounce, with highly relevant calls-to-action.

Empower Your Prospects

By offering older adults and their families decision support through motivational interviewing, prospects feel more informed and prepared to take a next step. Roobrik might look like a friendly, conversational survey, but behind our questions and handy tooltips is the combined power of motivational interviewing and an AI-driven recommendation engine. Roobrik typically increases web leads by 20-40%, a metric we call Lift Rate. Browse our selection of Roobrik Surveys

Enable Your Sales Team

Roobrik provides your sales team with more than 20 key prospect data points detailing their readiness, care needs, living situation, family dynamics, and more. Armed with these insights, sales teams are able to meet prospects where they are for higher-converting interactions. 

Here’s a diagram that illustrates how Roobrik optimizes conversion throughout the prospect journey:

Fits Your Existing Sales and Marketing Stack

Roobrik integrates with all leading CRMs and MAPs. Roobrik data flows into your sales team's existing screens and workflows, making the change management minimal. View our integration details

Receive Sales-Ready Leads

Every Roobrik lead has chosen to connect with your sales team — accelerating an authentic dialog between the prospect, family, and your sales team.

Diverse Suite of Surveys for Different Audiences

Whether you’re looking to boost sales opt-ins or engage higher up in the funnel, Roobrik’s suite of engagement and discovery surveys has you covered. Roobrik Survey are tailored for different care types and objectives.