Duplicate and Re-inquiry Handling in WelcomeHome

How does the Roobrik integration work when there is an existing record for a lead?

When a lead that already exists in WelcomeHome submits a Roobrik survey, it does not re-open the record automatically, but an email notification from Roobrik is still sent to the sales counselor. This is similar to the process for new leads submitting a survey.

Before posting to your WelcomeHome instance, we search for an existing match based on email or phone number, and community. If found, we’ll update the existing record with the standard Roobrik note pinned to the Activity log.

If no match is found, a new Influencer and/or Prospect will be created.

We recognize that duplicate records may sometimes occur, typically as a result of errors in contact information. If you encounter duplicate entries, whether due to typos or other reasons, you can find detailed instructions on how to merge or link these entries in WelcomeHome's documentation