1. Learning Center
  2. Roobrik for Marketers

Call-to-Actions that Engage

Engaging your website visitors with Roobrik begins with thoughtful and strategic placement for your Roobrik Survey calls-to-action (CTA).

Our goal is to help you capture the attention of the hidden audience exploring your website — visitors in the early stages of decision-making and not yet ready to talk to sales.

Important: Add Roobrik CTAs on both your corporate and community websites. This maximizes engagement and allows for greater efficiency when using Roobrik in your advertising strategy. \

Optimal Placement on Community Homepages

To engage visitors effectively, we recommend placing Roobrik CTAs approximately halfway to two-thirds down your community webpage. 

This placement usually provides appropriate distance from your primary CTAs, such as contact forms, thereby capturing the attention of your hidden audience that is not yet ready to talk to sales.

Don’t position Roobrik too close to your page’s footer. Doing so may reduce visibility and engagement. Instead, find a sweet spot that balances visibility with the flow of your page content.

Crafting Compelling Language

Build Trust
Use language in your Roobrik CTAs that instills trust and sets clear expectations for visitors. Communicate the value of the survey and how it aids in decision-making.

Set Expectations for Time Commitment and What They Receive 
Be transparent about the time commitment. Mentioning that the survey takes only 4-5 minutes to complete reassures visitors that engaging with Roobrik is a worthwhile investment of their time, encouraging them to start the survey.

Iterative Approach

Regularly test, measure, and optimize the placement and language used in your Roobrik CTAs. What works today may change tomorrow, and ongoing optimization will help keep you aligned with your audience's needs.Experiment with different positions based on your site's unique design and user flow, and let the data guide your strategy.