Access Roobrik Leads in ActiveDemand

Learn how to find Roobrik leads within ActiveDemand so you can view detailed data about Prospects and Contacts.

Log in to your account

Access your login page, and enter your credentials; your account URL is structured should be similar to: https://<your-company>

If you are unsure of your login page, ActiveDemand can help

Select "Contacts" in the sidebar navigation

Here, you'll see a list of all of the leads that have come through to your account. 

If you are looking for a specific lead, you can search for them by name, email address or phone number. If you are looking for a list of all prospects that have come through from Roobrik, follow the next steps.

Filter Prospects by Lead Source

To filter leads from Roobrik, you have the option to create a Contact Segment in ActiveDemand. Simply follow the steps provided in this article to easily create a Contact List or Segment.

Select a specific Prospect to view Prospect contact details

If they opted in as an SQL, after clicking on the Prospect's name, their First & Last names, email, and phone number will display in the Details section.

If the lead opted in as an MQL, meaning they are not currently interested in speaking with a sales representative but would like to receive emails, they have provided their email address only. 

Please note that in a Marketing Automation Platform (MAP), we do not link two records (such as a Prospect and Influencer) with a Relationship mapping. Therefore, all leads are pushed into the system as prospects.

You can see the selected Roobrik relationship form value in the Roobrik Report details. 

View the Roobrik Report

Whenever a lead is pushed into ActiveDemand / EnquireMAP, we include a pinned Note in the Activities tab with the full Roobrik Report summary. This includes detailed breakdown of question responses and provide you with the report URL and the outcome.